Reduce Gum Flare with Thermal Care.

At home Thermotherapy for Gum Treatment.

Product Design





Website Design


  • This client came to us with the idea of creating a product that promotes gum health with the simple concept of using thermal therapy.

  • The strategy would be to determine the target demographic through marketing analysis so the design team can sketch, test and create an oral thermal therapy device that would be competitive in its market.

  • The marketing team researched protocols and health concerns that the product would need to pass while the design team produced sketches and prototypes for the size and use of the device.

  • GumGenii is currently in the optimization and testing phase of their digital marketing. You can get yours today by visiting

  • This client came to us with the idea of creating a product that promotes gum health with the simple concept of using thermal therapy.

  • The strategy would be to determine the target demographic through marketing analysis so the design team can sketch, test and create an oral thermal therapy device that would be competitive in its market.

  • The marketing team researched protocols and health concerns that the product would need to pass while the design team produced sketches and prototypes for the size and use of the device.

  • Gum Genii is currently in the optimization and testing phase of their digital marketing. You can get yours today by visiting

On the Go Therapy

Gum Genii’s compact size makes it easy to travel with. The gum treating device can be charged easily with any nearby outlet.

How It Works

Thermal heat therapy has been approved by dentists as a less painful option to solve gum pain relief. Thermal therapy disperses doses of low-level red light at wavelengths that improve blood flow, encourage cellular turnover, and increase circulation.

Molds to Any Mouth

Gum Genie's heat-resistant silicone mold fits comfortably within most adults’ mouths. The soft and flexible material contours to the shape of your mouth making sure your gums are not over-stressed.

Reduce the gum flare with thermal care and start your healthy gum routine today, with Gum Genii. This breakthrough thermal technology promotes healthy dental hygiene. Gum disease is quite common and without proper care can lead to gum disease. Gum Geniis’ thermal technology improves blood flow, encourages cellular turnover, and increases circulation. Take care of your mouth and begin your healthy gum care routine today with Gum Genii.